10 Things That Are Currently Making Me The Happiest Ale Ever
1. I finally got to put on a sweater this morning. I may be hot by 2:00, but I don't give a damn.
2. Being super duper smitten over my husband & talking about our 1 yr anniversary trip to New Orleans (& everything we're going to eat! & all the pictures I'm going to take!).
3. Food truck festival this weekend. I'm going to eat like a madman, then work out extra on Sunday!
4. Canceling my gym membership. This may not seem like a good thing, but I'm working out more than ever without it! This will force me to keep up my running training.
5. Being less than 2 months away from introducing Tucker to my favorite city to visit: Guadalajara.
6. Seeing picture updates of my niece & nephew. I just want to squeeze them all the time.
7. Getting Christmas present ideas! Not for me, but for others. I love, love, love buying presents. But even moreso, I love, love, love buying presents without lists so that people are surprised!
8. My Nescafe that I'm drinking right this instant. Don't judge: instant coffee (especially Mexican instant coffee) is where it's AT.
9. Lusting over a Michael Kors watch. This probably shouldn't be on my "happy" list, but when I eventually buy myself that damn watch, I WILL BE SO HAPPY.
10. Reaching my yoga goal on my 30before30 list. Since I posted the list, I've done yoga twice a week, which to me sounds pretty "regular". But I'm not counting it as achieved until I've done it for a couple of months. I'm getting close, I think!
Feel free to post YOUR happy list! It's fall, everyone has a reason to be happy.