Monday, October 3, 2011

#12: read at least 2 books a month for one year

When I was a kid, probably up until I was about 20 actually, I read about 20 or so books a year. The last full book I read was in Spanish (and if we're being honest, I had read the book in English already so I could have possibly skimmed), and before that I read a book called Straight Up and Dirty. Yeah, that's right. This highschool newspaper editor (nerd) stooped low enough to read a memoir that might as well have been based off Sex & The City. Not one of my proudest literary moments. Hence, goal #12. I know it doesn't say that it has to be an "intellectual" book per se, but that's what I had in mind when I wrote it down on my list. I'm not saying it has to only include words I have to look up in every paragraph, but something that actually makes me think. This goal also came up because of my semi addiction to TV...I need to get the hell over that. I would much rather revert back to the Ale that could not name all of the Housewives (except the ones in New Jersey, I'll keep them....), so hopefully this goal will get me back there.
The book I started reading tonight is called Not That Kind of Girl, by Carlene Bauer - a memoir that follows a girl as she's growing up in evangelical churches, and finally decides to explore her religion and even create one that she can call her own. Intellectual enough, I suppose.
Suggestions for my next book (that I have to start in 2 weeks!) are more than welcome.
For now, I leave you with this:

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