Sunday, October 2, 2011

Yozoe pt. 1

So....maybe our first at-home yoga class wasn't quite the success we were hoping for. But pretty soon, I'm going to be able to look juuust like the girl pictured above - I'm sure of it.
This Tuesday is Yozoe part 2, and we're determined to make it through the entire video without: 1) making fun of the instructor's fake smile, 2) getting creeped out by her inverted limbs, and 3) drinking a beer. I think those are some solid first steps.
Before Tucker and I went to Maui for our wedding, we worked out for about 4 months straight, 4 days a week (at least)...needless to say, I was in the best shape I had been in. And then, of course, we get back to Austin and all of the gym visits stopped. So I've been trying to get back in the game, somewhat successfully, but my eating habits have reverted back to when I was a 17 year old stoner for some reason. So in an effort to get back to feeling great, I've spent looots (too much) time looking up healthy recipes that don't sound terrible and boring and flavorless. My first attempt was smoothies...really healthy, GREEN smoothies. Green makes everything healthier, right? This whole health kick was nowhere to be found on my 30before30 list, but...oh well. I'm still posting it because this is all about re-reading it and motivating myself to actually make a change and not just talk about it. So, this will secretly be number 31 on my list. Note to self:

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