Monday, January 28, 2013

an excuse

i have been majorly slacking on posts lately, even the super-easy-to-put-together "weekends were made for..." posts.
this is totally an excuse, but it's a legitimate one - i've been slacking because things have been a little hectic lately with buying and selling a house. not only is most of my weekday free time spent going to super fun 4 hour home inspections or setting up appointments, but my weekends are spent doing totally adult things like pressure washing our current house, meeting craigslisters to buy a ton of stuff from us or spackling & painting.
party!!! (nothing will make you feel more like an adult quite like passing up a sunday funday to plant flowers and meet with realtors, am i right??)
please note: i'm not trying to complain here. i'm beyond excited and i realize that these things take time & effort and am more than willing to lose a few weeks and weekends if it means our house sells quickly and that our move-in is painless.

so i promise to come back later this week with a legitimate post that actually has to do with my 30before30 list!

until then, a reminder for myself:


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