Monday, November 5, 2012

weekends were made for...

husbands who surprise you with picnic dates,

bingo playing (even if you're by far the youngest couple in the bingo hall, and you didn't win anything),

coffee double dates,

lounging with fluffy orange friends,

 messy hair,

and sunset runs.

today marks week 7 of my new hire class, which means there are only 2 more weeks left of this 1:00-10:00pm schedule. it's actually gone by very quickly and i'm super thankful! it's really weird to think about the fact that it's november because back in july, the holiday season felt soo far away. 
if the weather would ever decide to embrace the fact that it's november, i'd be one happy camper.
(ps. please everybody go vote tomorrow if you haven't already!)

i'll be back tomorrow with a road trip inspired post.

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