Wednesday, June 12, 2013

updates (3 goals being worked on!)

i've been a terrible blogger, yet again. i just now realized that i never even posted my pictures from sunday night supper #3 that i hosted at my house last month. but i guess the important part is that goal #14 on my 30before30 list is still being worked on and i have not forgotten about it! just forgotten to post about it.
since i've been MIA for the past two months, here's a little recap of what's been going on around my parts-

the first picture is proof that the sunday night supper actually happened! there have also been bike rides, date nights, memorial day parties, trips to deep eddy pool and non-stop working on decorating our house.
and those last two pictures are proof that i haven't forgotten about the fact that i created my 30before30 list for a reason - those perfect little round tomatoes actually came from my garden, as part of me working on goal #9, to plant a thriving vegetable garden. and the most recent photo was just taken last night as part of goal #21 - to start a regular yoga practice. i've been going to a hot yoga class 1-2 times a week for the past 5 weeks and am absolutely loving it.
last summer, i did bikram yoga pretty often and also loved (LOVED) it, but truth be told - it's entirely too expensive. so i can justify hot yoga because it's donation based (aka: affordable), and 75% of the poses are bikram poses. it's a win win!
now that the past 2 months have been covered, we can move on.
the husband & i leave for seatle early, early friday morning - we're talking 5:30am - because my brother, the smart one in the family, is getting his masters. this means that we're going from 98 degree highs to about 70 degree highs, and i could not possibly be happier about that.
i vow to post as soon as we get back, and to keep focused on my list!
PS. Three months until Europe.


  1. Those bikes are adorable! and I love yoga. love it love it.

  2. just stumbled upon your blog and love it! great idea!

  3. that living room looks amazing!



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