Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the end of another hiatus

Ok so, HI! I realize it's been a long, long time since my last post and it's only because I've been ridiculously busy. But now I've got an hour to dedicate to this, so I have no excuse.
Here's my very belated Motivated (Monday? Wednesday?) post.

motivating me to accomplish #14: start a sunday night supper tradition-
these popsicles are so cute and would be awesome for a summertime supper.


motivating me to accomplish #10 on my list: start a camping tradition-
i would certainly not mind camping in this. does this count as camping?? it's my tradition so i guess i can make it count.

motivating me to accomplish #12: decorate our forever home to reflect both my husband and i perfectly
i love this space...a lot. there's so much natural light coming through and i'm a sucker for anything chevron print.

motivating me to accomplish #25: start taking a monthly photo of my children for at least 10 years, and #12: master taking photos the way i picture them in my brain.

this is motivating me to accomplish #6: give birth.
i shouldn't say motivataing me really, we're definitely ok to wait, god this is right up my alley.

motivating me to accomplish #17: become crafty
isn't this leather headband so cute??

I keep trying to find motivating pictures to help me accomplish #4: own an original art piece.
but that's been damn hard! art is something that's really, really difficult to buy, in my opinion. it's really expensive (if it's an original) and most of the stuff i've seen out there is photography. i'm not really interested in buying an original photograph, i'm a lot more interested in buying a painting of some sort.
do any of you know of an artist whose work you love and would love to own?

(see full 30before30 list here)


  1. Love your blog, check mine and we can follow each other if you like :)

  2. Hi Ale,

    Fabulous list! :) Oh, also, I have a question about your blog - could you contact me at the following email? I can be reached at Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon!



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