Monday, June 25, 2012

evoking the summertime feeling

since last week marked the beginning of summer, i've been seeing and taking a lot of summertime photos lately. it's been in the 90's here in texas for over a month, so we technically started summer a few weeks ago, but now that it's official, i'll share some of the pictures that have been making me forget the miserable heat and reminding me to enjoy summer for what it is. 
here are some of my favorites

beautiful, neutral, flowy skirts and dresses with a tan! it's much too hot to wear pants, so i wouldn't mind wearing this every day of the summer. 

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. hopefully it's real.

i'm lucky enough to be able to say that it's been a very long time i've gone a whole summer without visiting a beach and/or lake. i just don't feel like it's summertime unless there's an enormous body of water surrounding me at some point. this year, very luckily, will be no different. 
some of the best memories i have are of being at the beach with my brother and dad in mexico, or going to south padre with my mom, stepdad and best friend over the summer. even if at some point we had to grow up and realize that summer vacation would inevitably be lost, i'll forever save up enough vacation time to be able to lose myself in summertime even if it's just for a week!

what summer plans are you looking forward to the most?

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