All day yesterday, I was thinking that it was a Monday instead of a Tuesday, since I had Memorial Day off from work. Isn't that the best surprise ever? When you realize (over & over again throughout the day) that you're one day closer to another weekend than you realized.
I'm done training my eight week new hire class, and another eight week one starts this coming Monday, the 4th. So I'm trying to really enjoy this week of having a normal work schedule and not too many obligations at work - so far, so good. It helps that I had a fantastic weekend. It was filled with a little niece and a little nephew, basketball games, pulled pork sandwiches with friends I haven't seen in too long, and patio time. It didn't feel like 3 days, but that's ok. I'll take it.
I had a lot of fun putting together this Motivated Wednesday post...hope you enjoy it too!
starting a garden is #9 on my 30before30 list, but i don't want to start one in my current house since we're moving in a little over a year. so this DIY hanging basket garden seems like an easy, logical way to get some practice in before we're in our "forever home"...and it would count as a craft project, since becoming crafty is #17 on my list! it's a twofer.
also, a handy "tutoring session" on gardening, seen here.
i love this cute compilation of "travel essentials" if i needed more motivation to cross off #1 (visit santorini, greece), #15 (visit barcelona and madrid, spain) & #19 (visit maui again).
on my quickie summer to-do list, i said that i'd take more photos this summer. this is mostly so that i make sure that i accomplish #12: master taking photos the way i picture them in my brain. this is a really hard task, but shops like this encourage me to keep trying. i've been reading her blog for a couple of years now and love looking through her work. some examples:
this isn't really aimed at any of my 30befo30 goals (except maybe hosting sunday night suppers?), but i'd like to make some flavored waters to have around the house when we have guests. since our backyard has been done (and finally has, you know, grass! and places to sit!), we've had a lot more guests over and it's been a blast. i want to keep enjoying our backyard this summer, so here are a few random motivators/ideas:
backyard s'mores
i mean, i could definitely handle adding this swing chair to our current or future backyard
aaaand i would definitely not kick this chair out of bed either. oh, it's $500 you say? for a simple hanging chair? i'll just stare from afar.
aaaand i would definitely not kick this chair out of bed either. oh, it's $500 you say? for a simple hanging chair? i'll just stare from afar.