I'm going to just stop lying to myself and others and pretend that Motivated Mondays will continue on through these 2 new hire classes I have going on at work. It just won't happen. So from now on, or at least through the summer, you'll be seeing Motivated Wednesday posts instead. It's just as good!
PS. Before I forget, the Diva Dash is this Saturday so I can at least promise one more post this week with pictures of that! Don't laugh if my face is super red, k? Thanks.
motivating me to accomplish #14: start a sunday night supper tradition
raspberry & white cherry yogurt pops...wouldn't these be the perfect treats to have at a dinner party in the middle of a texas summer?
or what about chocolate chip zucchini brownies?
OR...banana bread? but wait for it, it's not just any banana bread. it has chunks of chocolate in it...and bourbon. yes, that's right. i feel like that's very appropriate for a sunday night supper in which we'll be focused more on what kind of delicious cocktails are available, right?

motivating me to accomplish #17: become crafty
i love the idea of having a frame wall in our next house, and i think this would fit in perfectly! i'll be honest, i don't normally like anything having to do with the heart shape, at all. but these make sense! luckily, between the husband and i, we have several maps to put in here. maybe beaumont (where he's from), dallas (where i'm from), austin (where we met), hawaii (where we got married), greece (where we'll be going! it's #1 on my list, afterall) and probably vegas as that was our first trip together, and where we got engaged.
motivating me to accomplish #23: sleep in a tree house
why are there no cool treehouse hotels in the states? this seems highly unfair, but for now i'll be satisfied looking at this amazing, peaceful treehouse hotel in sweden.
can you even imagine staying here? i'd drink tea and coffee all day, reading books and taking pictures.
motivating me to accomplish #15: visit barcelona and madrid, spain.
this one ties directly in with #12: master taking photos the way i picture them in my brain. i've always thought of barcelona and madrid as places that i could perfect taking pictures because they're full of exactly what i love to photograph: amazing architecture, old mixed with new.
and motivating me to finish the whole list:
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