Friday, April 13, 2012

update on goal #11

Update! On goal #11 - read at least one book a month for a year.
I just finished reading Wild, by Cheryl Strayed. You guys. It was so good. I started it on Sunday and finished it last night (Thursday) because I couldn't put it down. I think the reason I love memoirs and/or autobiographies so much is because normally, the lives these people have led are so, SO different from mine and I'm unbelievably intrigued by that. And I'm always a little bit sad at the end of a book that I couldn't put down - I never really want it to be over. But I'm really excited to move on to the next book, because this is one of the funnest goals I have on my list! 
My bookshelf has always been a prized possession - 
from when I was a little kid and filled it with Bernstein Bear books, through high school when it was filled with Ray Bradbury and F. Scott Fitzgerald,  to living in my first apartment and filling it with Kerouac, to now...filling it with Palahniuk, more Kerouac, Murakami and as many memoirs as I can get my hands on.

(source is me - this is currently my bookshelf)

Here's what my list looks like so far (click the titles to link to descriptions):

I'm getting started on Unorthodox tomorrow and am pretty excited about that.
Still undecided on the last 3 books, but I got some good suggestions and will be deciding soon! Also, the list will most likely change, let's be honest. 

I'm happy that it's April 13th and I finished my book "for the month", so I'm not only on track, but I'm ahead! 

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