Wednesday, September 26, 2012

weekends were made for...

okay, yes. i know it's wednesday and this post is way delayed. but i have a really good excuse, i promise. my 1:00-10:00 schedule started back up at work, since i have a new hire class to train. and that always kind of turns my life upside down for the first few weeks while i get used to it. that's a good excuse, right? right.
so, here is what my weekend looked like + some scenes from the last few days. promise i'll be back tomorrow with a real post.

the 5k that i ran on saturday (this is post-race, hence the sweatiness),

patio time + mimosas with my man of honor,

dates with my man (first up - fried chicken, next up - trivia challenge...he won 2 games, i won 2 games),

and some scenes from my backyard,

as soon as i hit "publish", i'm working on tomorrow's post to make up for my lack of posting!
hope you guys have a great wednesday.


  1. go you for running a 5k. so wish I could. something to say for accomplishing that!

    stop by for a visit,

    lydia from vintage2vogue

  2. Haha yes that is an excuse! Looks like you had a great weekend though!


thank you so much for stopping by! your comment means a lot.