Thursday, August 16, 2012


a few months ago i posted about my summer to-do list, so i figure it's time for an update on how it's coming along.
this is how things are looking right now:
1. read 4 more books-
i have read 3 books since this list was posted. i've gotten through the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime, the girl who played with fire, and finally read the help (even though i had watched the movie first). i'm about to start reading the receptionist: an education at the new yorker. and i know i can finish that one before september 1st, which means: so far, so good.
2. get through all 10 of my bikram yoga classes (although ideally, I'd like to accomplish this before I go to the bahamas on july 5)
i finished all 10 of my bikram classes that were included in my groupon, and moved on to buy 8 more. as soon as those 8 are done, i'm going to take the plunge and sign up for a membership. it's expensive, but it makes me feel great so i'm thinking it's worth it.
3. complete at least 2 more craft projects
um. well, no crafts have been completed this summer. and i have only a few weeks to get this done, so it looks like i should be posting some DIY inspiration this week or next.
4. host a sunday night supper in june or july
yeah, this didn't get done either. it was entirely too hot and too busy to host a sunday night supper in june or july. i'm actually thinking that we won't host one until october, because i want to be able to enjoy the backyard and right now it's miserable and the mosquitoes have their eyes peeled for me.
5. take photos using something other than my iphone
i have actually been taking photos with my nikon! i'm not ready to share them yet because i feel like they're terrible...but at least i've been taking them, and that's what counts.
so, it's not all done yet. but i did give myself until the beginning of september to finish it all.

 since i mentioned it above, here's what my reading list looks like now:

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